Hayward Sales Support
Below are links to Paramount product marketing materials and videos.
To order marketing materials please call 1-800-621-5886 or email paramount@1paramount.com

ParaskimV venturi skimmer sale sheet
To order ParaskimV Venturi sale sheets in packs of 25 use part #004-022-8989-00
Paraskim standard skimmer sale sheet
To order Paraskim standard skimmer sale sheets in packs of 25 use part #004-022-7312-00
To order Paraskim sale sheets in packs of 25 use part #004-022-2235-00

To order Clear O3 sale sheets in packs of 25 use part #004-022-7486-00
To order UltraUV2 sale sheets in packs of 25 use part #004-022-1009-00

To order UltraClear brochures in packs of 25 use part #004-422-0006-00